Fifteen years of selfless, proactive customer service.
Our Mission is to Guide and Equip Our Partners to Thrive at Retail by Enabling Better Decisions through data at Walmart and Sam’s Club.
Key elements of our mission:
Fast and effective onboarding of new clients through our 30/60/90 plan of action.
• 30 Day Review with Team Lead
• 60 Day Review with focus on operational excellence and supply chain
• 90 Day Review with Analyst, Team Lead, Director of Analytics/Operations, COO
• Annual Review with CEO, CGO, and Team to review goals for the coming year
The "High Impact Way" of data analysis. For more than 15 years, we have developed a playbook for every aspect of working with Walmart and Sam's Club. The High Impact Way, or HI-Way Playbook is in constant revision and evolution in order to keep our clients at the forefront of all things Walmart Stores Inc. related.
Selfless, proactive customer service. Everything we do revolves around making you the hero and serving as your guide.
Providing weekly core services that have business-wide impact, from new-product development through supply-chain optimization.
The High Impact vision is to guide and equip our clients to use data and insights to advance their business, both at a tactical day-to-day level and a longer-range strategic level.
The overarching goal is for our clients to achieve excellent performance in their categories, year after year, as we continue to grow together. Within our company, our vision is to create a work culture that focuses on individual growth and accomplishment, with the motto, “We do work that matters with people that we cherish.”
Take Ownership - These aren’t just words at High Impact. In everything we do, we take ownership of the process, the follow up and the implementation of what needs to be done to win at retail. You are the category and brand experts. We can be your Walmart/Sam’s Club experts. Together we can accomplish great things.
Strive for Excellence - Perfection does not exist but we can always do better today than we did yesterday. By cross-training, team member development, and maintaining strong relationships with our retail partners, our promise is that we will never stop reaching for the next level in delivering on behalf of you, our client.
People Matter - In everything we do, we recognize that people are what matter. At High Impact, we do work that matters with the people that we cherish.
Selfless Service - Customer service is often the first thing to go as a business grows. Selflessly serving you, the client, in order to make you the hero has been and always will be one of the major points of differentiation between High Impact and other firms.
High Impact began as Retail Business Consulting in 2007 - the embodiment of a growing vision from founder and CEO James Harris to help clients thrive in retail by leveraging analytics. As our clients and their needs have grown, so has High Impact, pivoting from Retail Business Consulting to High Impact Analytics in 2010 Followed by 12 years of excellent service, we pivoted again with another fresh rebrand in 2023. Our rebranding as High Impact in 2023 reflects our desire to meet our clients’ broader needs, with solutions and services that have grown far beyond analytics.
At High Impact, we have built upon our core foundation of strong analytics, letting the data lead, and sales management expertise to develop a full range of retail solutions. Our expansion of services now includes strategic consulting, including execution, reporting, trend analysis, replenishment, forecasting, fact-based selling, and working with the Walmart and Sam’s Club retail systems and logistics.
High Impact works with clients in virtually all areas of retail and our clients see such dramatic improvements in their performance - so much so that the merchants they serve have referred other vendors to us on that basis alone. We are grateful for the team we have, the clients we serve and the impactful work that we do... helping YOU thrive at retail!